It has been a while

I haven’t posted much recently due to several different factors. Mostly because the cheap replacement phone I purchased doesn’t charge past 5%. 

I finished my Camino in Santiago this time. I really wanted to continue to Finesterre but about three days before Santiago I began having some rather sever problems with my foot. When I finally made it I had to sit and rest for about five days. With rest and ice I was able to move about a bit. 

Then I made my way back on the Camino to a little albergue where I was offered to be a hospitelera. So right now I am volunteering here. 

I am having a wonderful time supporting the pilgrims as they make their journey on the Camino!

This place, Albergue La  Finca, has so much heart! All the people here are amazing!! I love every moment!

One comment on “It has been a while
  1. Janet says:

    So glad you are still having a wonderful adventure! Great to hear from you ?

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