
As I walk I am constantly amazed at all the blessings I have received. Some large and some small but all equally important. I am so very thankful to the people at home who have supported my journey and helped to fuel his pilgrimage. Today as I walked I used each step consciously to say thank you. Not only has the support from home been great but also here is Spain. So far no matter the situation I have been taken care of, most times in unexpected and extraordinary ways. In turn I try each day to pass on the love and kindness in some way to each pilgrim I meet.

Today I walked 22 kilometers. The first part was really nice but the last five did a number on my feet. The path was the ancient roman road which is very rocky and so I have to go slower and be so careful about each place my left foot goes since stepping on a rock with the left can be quite dangerous with no bend in the ankle.  Needless to say I ended up in a small town with no real soul. I wanted to go further but by the time I got here I knew I would be impossible. Regardless, I am still filled with gratitude.

4 comments on “Gratitude
  1. Janet says:

    Hmmmn. A town without soul? Well, you brought one with you!:^)

  2. Janet says:

    PS. My friend Mary’s daughter will be walking in Feb, so she is glad to get ideas from

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