Archive For The “Location Aware” Category
I haven’t posted much recently due to several different factors. Mostly because the cheap replacement phone I purchased doesn’t charge past 5%. I finished my Camino in Santiago this time. I really wanted to continue to Finesterre but about three days before Santiago I began having some rather sever problems with my foot. When I…
Buen Camino, Gratitude, Location Aware, PilgrimsI woke up at 6am to a massive thunder storm right over head. I decided to wait a little bit before starting to walk. Soon the storm passed and for several hours it was beautiful. This started the last 100 kilometers to Santiago. There were several noticeable differences from the previous days. First is now…
Everything, Landscapes, Location Aware, PilgrimsLeaving the village before dawn I began walking. It was not long before I came upon a group of about 15 pilgrims all grouped up in the middle of the Camino. A girl asked in a sheepish voice “Have you seen the concha?” They were all unsure of which way to proceed. The was a…
Lessons, Location AwareThis section of the Camino is very nice because it is so flat. It is much easier to walk and get into a nice rhythm. Today I walked just a bit over 20 kilometers. Most of the Camino was right next to the road which I took full advantage of. I don’t have to be…
Buen Camino, Landscapes, Location Aware, Monuments